Benefits of Yoga


By: Georgia Alvertos

Yoga is best known for its physical benefits. When we picture the practice, common things that come to mind are stretching, breathing, and crazy balance challenges. But yoga is so much more; the practice of yoga can help you not only build muscles throughout your entire body but also helps improve anxiety and coping with stress long term. 

With regular yoga practice comes improved strength, balance, and flexibility. The slow movements, combined with normal deep breathing, increase blood flow throughout the entire body. Holding poses also trains and strengthens your muscles, even if the pose is simple (John Hopkins Medical). Yoga is also found to improve body aches and pains. Because yoga stretches the body, mobility is improved, reducing back pain (Harvard Health Publishing). Along with easing back pain, regular practice can improve symptoms of arthritis by soothing swollen joints and increasing blood flow throughout the body. Studies have found that with simple, consistent practice, these symptoms and aches can be significantly alleviated (Dash and Telles). With the ability to improve aches and pains, yoga is ideal for athletes of all levels, specifically tennis and pickleball players. These sports require a strong core, agility, and healthy wrists - all things that yoga helps with. 

When it comes to the mental benefits of yoga, no other form of exercise can beat it. Yoga has been proven to ease anxiety, strong emotions, and stress. A significant part of yoga practice is the focus on the breath. By narrowing your thoughts to your breathing and paying attention to your every inhale and exhale, your practice becomes a form of meditation. Deep breathing is one of the best things you can do for your stressed-out mind and body (Alberta). Further, yoga can sharpen your brain. According to Harvard Health Publishing, "your brain cells develop new connections, and changes occur in brain structure as well as function, resulting in improved cognitive skills, such as learning and memory." Yoga improves and strengthens those parts of our brain that are important to memory, attention, awareness, thought, and even language.

Whether you're new to the practice or a seasoned yogi, yoga is an excellent addition to any lifestyle. 

Yoga Six Newport Beach offers 6 different class types, from hot and powerful to slow and mindful. Beginner classes and sculpt classes are also offered. All teachers are trained to provide a consistent but creative experience for each class type every time. They teach in a way that everyone can follow and understand. Yoga and fitness classes address the complete needs of your body in movement and intensity to conquer plateaus, continually progress, and repair itself. Yoga is a personal practice, but at YogaSix it's shared with a community that uplifts each other and supports progression, both on and off the mat. Yoga Six Newport Beach takes the proper precautions to ensure everyone feels safe attending class. Classes are modified to ensure maximum time to clean for you to continue practicing throughout the day. 

 *Harvard Health Publishing 

*John Hopkins chrome extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/ 45_3/355-360.pdf (Dash and Telles)

YogaSix | 2547 Eastbluff Dr. Newport Beach | 949.335.9558 |


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