Mayor's Corner

Newport Beach Mayor Joe Stapleton

Welcome Aboard to Mayor Joe Stapleton, who took the helm as Newport Beach’s newest Mayor on December 10, 2024. The City Council Member for District 1 was also named “Newport Beach Citizen of the Year” in 2020. Professionally, he is the President and Co-Founder of Spinnaker Investment Group. Personally, he is also a newlywed, as he and his wife Julie recently got married in Tuscany. She is a former Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader and is now a private Pilates instructor. He considers ALL of the residents of Newport Beach to be family, and tells people he has 85,000 kids! As he looks forward to his upcoming term and especially to celebrating our beautiful city in 2025, we asked him to answer our top 12 list of what we should know about the man who is leading our seaside paradise.

What are you most looking forward to as Mayor?

I’m most looking forward to launching and fulfilling my theme for the year: Celebrate Newport. I want to celebrate all that is great about our wonderful city and community. We will celebrate those who have come before us and helped make Newport what it is today, and those who are helping now with an eye toward the future. With all the challenges we face at the county, state and national levels, I want to focus on our local community to embrace the positives, express gratitude and celebrate.

Top 3 things you would like to accomplish as mayor?

First and foremost, I will work with my Council colleagues to ensure that we create an even stronger, safer community through public safety enhancements such as our technology program. We have started to implement these new technologies with Flock license-plate reading cameras and will build on that in 2025 with a real-time virtual Crime Information Center and drone program. Next, investing in community improvements. We will be breaking ground next year on the new Peninsula Fire Station #1 and branch library, and further developing plans for a world-class aquatic center at Lower Castaways Park. We are examining ways to better connect our neighborhood villages through an expansion of the Peninsula Trolley system, and to improve the walkability and vibrancy of the Corona del Mar commercial corridor. I’m looking forward to cutting the ribbon in early 2025 on our latest innovation, the Newport Bay Trash Interceptor, which will remove hundreds of tons of trash before it reaches the upper bay. My third priority is to help inspire the next generation of Newport Beach residents to become active in community service, through the Newport Beach Foundation Distinguished Citizen Program.

Why did you decide to run for city council/Mayor?

In three words, to “Keep Newport Newport.” It’s not just a campaign slogan for me; it’s a compass point and guiding principle. I love this community. It’s a utopia in California, and I want to ensure that we continue to maintain that into the future.

The biggest misconception about city council members is:

That it’s a part-time job. In reality, it can sometimes take up to 40 hours a week. I think the public sees pictures of us at groundbreakings or ribbon cuttings and it looks like it’s all fun. But there’s a lot of work going on behind the scenes. Also, people tend to think that being a council member is a thankless job -- but that’s not correct. I regularly have people thank me for the work that my colleagues and I are doing on the City Council, and I appreciate that.

How do you start your day?

Something active in our community: biking, running, walking or canoeing. I like to get out in different places and stay in touch with different villages. I especially love bike riding along PCH to Newport Coast or running along Balboa Island or the Back Bay.

The greatest thing about Newport Beach is:

The people. The contributions of our community makes this such a special place to live, work and play.

Top 3 places in Newport Beach you would send someone visiting our city for the

first time?

Experience the beaches on the Peninsula, walk Balboa Island to discover its charms, and rent a small electric boat for a Newport Harbor excursion.

Favorite place in Newport Beach to recharge:

The Buck Gully Reserve. I feel like I’m able to leave the city and escape to the wilderness for a while. I probably shouldn’t say this, but I think it’s the best kept secret in Orange County.

A favorite place for a special meal or celebration is:

This is Newport Beach, you can’t ask me to pick just one! Some of my favorites are Bear Flag Fish Co., the Pendry (outdoor tables at Set Steak & Sushi). I’ll add the Mayor’s Table at Lido House, now that my photo will be on the wall!

Best place to watch the sunrise:

Newport Harbor, while paddling my outrigger canoe through the still and glassy morning water.

Best place to watch the sunset:

There are so many great places in Newport, but my my favorite is the beach at 56th Street.

How does your day end?

The perfect end to a day is walking to the Newport Pier with my wife.

Mayor Joe Stapletoin is serving his first term as Mayor of Newport Beach. Follow on IG @newportstapleton


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