Intentionally Manage Time and Live the Future You Desire

By: Gina Maier Vincent

As the back-to-school season arrives, it's a poignant reminder of the value of intentional time management. Planning your day is a powerful act of setting intentions. Without a plan, the life you aspire for won't unfold independently; it can't be spontaneous. Consider this a call to reclaim control over your life, empowering you to shape a more refined existence.

Time is our precious resource — the 24 abundant hours in your day. Are you spending your time each day supporting your desires and values? (Be honest.) Comfort in being overscheduled might be a sign of avoidance, often tied to emotions. Overeating or over-scheduling are both tactics to push down feelings. If you find yourself constantly rushing, overwhelmed and unfulfilled, it might signal that your time isn't aligned with your values and desires.

Looking back, I often ran late in my twenties – I even tried setting my clock five minutes fast, but it never worked. Once when I was running late to meet a friend, a significant encounter with her changed my perspective. She explained that she prided herself on always being early or on time; I decided to embody the same mindset at that moment. This shift in my time management improved my punctuality and brought a sense of calm and control to my life.

Fast-forward to my late thirties, and while teaching the Yamas and Niyamas (ethical teachings of yoga), the realization hit even harder. The Yamas include Asteya—nonstealing. Being late is essentially stealing someone else's time. If you pride yourself on not stealing but have a reputation for being tardy, maybe it is time to reconsider. Beyond taking their time, such actions send a message of undervaluing others

In intentional time management, it is crucial to leave gaps between tasks, demonstrating respect for others' time. Allow your day to be flexible enough to let beautiful moments happen on their own. Embrace this openness to welcome unexpected joys and unplanned interactions, valuing the time of others as much as your own.

Think of this as an invitation to leave room in your schedule for the unforeseen — the random messages from life during moments of reprieve or the opportunity to pause and refresh. Let whatever wants to come to you flow freely, unrestricted by an overly regimented agenda. 

Be reasonable with your time, directing it towards what genuinely matters to you — what you truly value and desire. For example, if spending quality time with your family is a value you hold dear, allocate enough time for it in your schedule. Such purposeful allocation ensures your life unfolds beautifully, fueled by intentionality. 

Let's embark on this journey of purposeful living together, shaping a life that resonates with authenticity, beauty and deep fulfillment. This is not just about managing time; it's about unlocking your potential for a life of profound fulfillment.

Take the first step to reclaim control over your time, values and desires. Connect with Gina at 949-409-5330 or visit It's time to live a future that aligns with your authentic self —one of purpose, beauty, and profound fulfillment. 


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