Ways to Care for Yourself During the Holidays

By: Bree Maloney

It’s that time of year – shopping, presents, parties, family, friends, the list goes on. The holidays are known to be the “most wonderful time of the year,” but they can also be the most stressful. Going through your social media feed can make you feel like everyone is perfectly put together and enjoying the winter season. However, the reality is – everything isn’t going to be warm hot chocolate and mistletoe. As I see it, Christmas doesn’t have to be perfect to be good. It’s not a movie, it’s simply – real life.

So, the real question is, how can you manage and prevent the onset of holiday stress? Here are some ways that I’ve learned that have helped me:

1. It’s okay to say no: Invitations to parties, people asking you for favors, volunteering, etc. Know that it’s okay to say no. Unless you absolutely must attend an event or do a favor for someone, remember to not overload yourself; you’ll burn out. Give yourself a party favor and learn to cut back. 

2. Lower expectations: We dream about how the holidays are supposed to be. With the addition of Pinterest and HGTV, most people are setting unrealistic expectations, while adding more pressure. Make sure you communicate your expectations to your family and friends early on, so you know what to expect. No surprises!

3. Financial stress: The holiday season is about giving, which can add financial stress to your wallet. Though most gifts cost money, make sure you set a budget. It’s important to not overspend and keep in mind that less is more.  It’s silly, but sometimes more personal gifts are the best ones – framed photos, calendars, hand-made cards, etc. Remember it’s the act of giving that makes it meaningful.

4. Health and wellness: During colder winter months and holiday gatherings, there’s typically an uptick in colds, flu, and feeling unwell. Being around family and friends may help with reducing your overall stress but remain cautious about germs and viruses. Remember to be smart about your health and wellness by frequently washing your hands, bundling up when you’re outside, and getting enough sleep.

5. Unplug and relax: It’s proven that when you look through your social media feed your mood can change. It can make you feel anxious, sad, happy, and confused. Take time to unplug – it can be as simple as a morning or afternoon. Play with your kids, go for a walk, or read a book. Let your brain slow down from the constant bombardment of advertisements telling you to buy, buy, buy. Allow yourself to relax and give yourself grace when it comes to expectations. 

6. Indulge and exercise: You’re probably just coming off your Thanksgiving food coma hangover, but December is just around the corner. Remember to pace yourself, try your best not to go for seconds, and go easy on the alcohol. We need to enjoy the holidays, but don’t go too overboard. Remember to exercise! Walking, light jogging, biking, or taking a workout class with a friend are all great options. Endorphins go a long way!

Remember there’s no remedy to have zero stress, especially during the holidays. Take these simple steps to help ease both your mind and body. What’s the best gift you could give to yourself? Being present (pun intended) with your friends and family. Live in the moment and catch yourself if you begin to think about past holiday problems or a photo you saw on your feed. Learn to cultivate appreciation of your family and friends that are in your life now and have a great holiday season!

This Just In is provided by Marque Urgent Care.

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Holiday Reads


Tis' the Season to Celebrate!