Meet Your Great Neighbor, Karen Yelsey

By: Jessica Susolik

Karen and her husband Arthur have lived in Newport Beach for forty-four years.  Arthur and Karen met at the Wharton Graduate School and moved to Newport for Arthur’s work in medical device sales.  After securing a job for herself as a marketing manager for Hunt Wesson Foods, Karen and Arthur moved from East Coast to West with the intention of only staying a few years.  

 As Karen found success managing the Sloppy Joes Sauce, which was ever so popular in the 80s, and making a home in the Promontory Point apartment complex, it soon became clear to the young couple that Newport had become home.  Karen’s favorite thing about Newport is the walkability, and she and Arthur found the homes in Irvine Terrace to be “an oasis in the middle of Newport,” buying their first home there.  Settling into their home, they began having kids in 1982, with one son and two daughters to follow. 

With school-aged kids, Karen immersed herself in the wonderful world of PTA and classroom volunteering.  She made herself an army of faithful and fabulous friends who soon encouraged her to run for a board position on the Newport Mesa Unified School District.  Karen agreed and casually went down to the registrar and filled out the paperwork having no idea that she would end up dedicating a large portion of her life to this position for 16 years.   

Karen has been seen at all things Newport and is a name to be recognized as she immersed herself in the job, representing children, parents, teachers, and the community at large.  Karen says, “I loved every second I was on the board.  Looking back, it was a very rewarding 16 years.” 

 Karen also sits on another very important board, as Chairperson, for the Newport Beach Police Foundation. The Newport Beach Police Foundation is a non-profit dedicated to funding community outreach programs and internal department programs.  Recently the foundation helped bring a second mounted horse to the force and raise funds for officers’ families when tragedy struck. 

"Karen is a giant in our community…a woman who has happily dedicated years of her life to students in our schools. She has even planned her vacations around the needs of our schools that to be available to students, teachers, principals, and district staff.  The dictionary description of ‘servant leadership’ should include the name Karen Yelsey.  The only thing that matches her service to the community is her unwavering love for her family and their love for her. " Ruth Kobayashi 

Karen and Arthur continue to enjoy walking everywhere they go, loving the weather and the beauty that is Newport Beach. Time with family, including four grandkids, and travel is a high priority now that Karen has retired from her position on the school board.  

Thank you, Karen, for your dedication to our city!  It’s neighbors like you that make Newport the best place to live!


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