Mind-Body Awareness for Kids

By: Leah Hannegan

The mind-body connection is an essential concept for kids to understand. Children often learn about physical health and feelings, but what we often forget to explain and explore with kids is the powerful link between our bodies and brains. The mind-body connection is the idea that how an individual thinks and feels is linked to how the body feels and functions.

 For example, if you feel stressed, annoyed, or upset about something, you may develop a headache or stomachache. Your muscles tighten up, and you may feel tired, wired, or unwell. On the other hand, when you're happy or excited, your body feels energized and lighter. When your body is feeling good, your mind will likely feel less stress and more contentment.

 Here are some ways to explore the mind-body connection with kids.

  1. Use visuals to explain the human body and what each body system does. Show your kids a skeletal system and have them circle the joints. Have your kids look at their veins and color the nervous system, and explain that our blood flows through this system. Show them a muscular design and have them write a list of activities they enjoy, and next to each item on the list, write the muscles they'd use for that specific activity (ie. soccer = leg muscles)

  2. Exercise with your kids…dance, swim, kick a ball, etc. Simply getting your kids to move and enjoy movement will give them fresh oxygen and blood flow throughout their body and brain. Explore different types of exercise. Have your child test their pulse after exercising and explain the connection between our mind and body through our heart rate. When we get angry or frustrated, our heart beats faster, just like doing fast movements, and when our body feels relaxed, our heart beats much slower.

  3. Meditation is the best way to teach children about the mind-body connection. Find a few minutes daily to let your child be at peace with their thoughts. Try having your child lay down with their favorite stuffed animal on their stomach and feel the toy rise and fall with each deep breath in and out. Tell your child to breathe in positive thoughts and let go of negative feelings.

 Kids will most often react to the environment surrounding them. So make sure to practice your version of mind-body awareness and provide a balanced space for your kids to grow.

 We hope to embrace more mind-body connections with you soon at Eastbluff Pilates!


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