Get to Know Bailey Plastic Surgery & Aesthetics

By: Bethany Myers

Trained in plastic surgery at Northwestern University in Chicago and the Mayo Clinic, Dr. Bailey taught plastic surgery at the University of Toronto. After looking at practices in Beverly Hills, he felt called to join Dr. Harvey Heinrichs, known as one of the best plastic surgeons in Newport Beach. Dr. Bailey built his practice as the quality of his work brought physician referrals. As his practice expanded, he moved across the street from Hoag Hospital, where he served as Chief of Plastic Surgery and continues caring for many patients. A few years ago, his wife Jeanette, an aesthetician, joined the practice as Operations Manager. The practice has expanded to offer the newest minimally invasive and no downtime treatments to complement the existing premium surgical treatments.

About the Business

Bailey Plastic Surgery & Aesthetics offers a full range of plastic surgery procedures, including correcting unfortunate complications and botched surgery. Their minimally invasive and non-invasive devices provide unique options to correct skin quality and muscle tone and target deep fat inside the abdomen that surgery cannot treat.

 What’s Unique about the Practice

Unlike most locations offering MedSpa treatments such as lasers, injectables, muscle toning, and fat reduction, Dr. Bailey’s practice offers treatments that are closely supervised by Dr. Bailey, a renowned board-certified plastic surgeon. For patient safety, every treatment is performed by a licensed professional who is qualified by Dr. Bailey’s personal training, talent, and state law. The practice strives to offer the latest equipment, and their team constantly attends professional meetings to stay updated on the latest medical advancements in the field. Because they can deliver a wide range of surgical and non-surgical treatments, they offer extreme customization to meet each patient’s needs.

In addition, Dr. and Mrs. Bailey believe in the power of prayer and love to pray together with their patients when they need or request it.

Business Philosophy

  • Abide by integrity and safety

  • Deliver natural results

  • Provide patients with excellent quality care

  • Administer best-in-class devices for aesthetic treatments

Inspiration in Business

Dr. Bailey admires the achievements of plastic surgery pioneers and the opportunity to mix art, science, and a skilled hand to improve people’s lives.

Success Stories

Dr. Bailey served for many years on the Cleft/Craniofacial panel at Children’s Hospital of Orange County (CHOC), repairing cleft lips, palates, and major facial deformities, until the demands of his Newport Beach practice made this untenable.

He is a former President of the Orange County Society of Plastic Surgeons and a prior Chair of the Department of Plastic Surgery at Hoag Hospital (where over 100 plastic surgeons are on staff!) He has written widely acclaimed peer-reviewed papers and hosted peer-reviewed presentations to many surgical societies, including the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons, and the American College of Surgeons. He has also appeared on local TV channels and created a program focusing on breast augmentation for The Learning Channel.

Message to the Community

Plastic surgery and aesthetic treatments (such as laser technology) and other devices are not skills that can be easily learned via a weekend course. Yet surprisingly, about 50% of all plastic surgery services are performed by people whose residency training was in other disciplines such as dermatology, general surgery, oral surgery, emergency medicine, or even gynecology. This alarming fact is a good wake-up call for patients to do extensive research when seeking a surgeon. It’s essential that a surgeon is not just “board certified” (in an unrelated specialty) but certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. Likewise, the “medical directors” of many MedSpas have no residency training related to the treatments given, and are little more than a name on the letterhead to provide a legal covering to the Medical Spa.

About Dr. Bailey and Mrs. Bailey

Dr. Bailey was born in Manchester, England, and grew up soaking up the culture there. Both his parents were physicians - his father was a neurosurgeon from Canada, and his mother worked in public health and later as a family physician. Both had an interest in the world of art and music. His father even made a name for himself as an amateur conductor. After medical school and completing an internship in Manchester, Dr. Bailey moved to Canada, where he provided general practice in a remote area for a few years before returning to residency training to realize his dream of becoming a plastic surgeon.

Mrs. Bailey was born in Poland. When she was just 8 years old, her family fled communism to live in Germany before immigrating to the United States. One of the reasons she developed an insatiable passion for skin care stemmed from the difficult season she endured as a teenager suffering from acne. Rising above this trial, she studied to become a licensed aesthetician to prove her inner strength and help others who have experienced similar hardships. Before marrying Dr. Bailey, she excelled in the skin care industry, working as a trainer for skin care companies and developing a wide-ranging knowledge of the different products available. Since joining the practice, she has added this distinctive expertise and has helped expand non-surgical options to serve clients better.

Dr. Bailey has enjoyed coastal living since relocating to California in the 90’s. Today, Dr. Bailey and Mrs. Bailey are long-term residents of Newport Beach. When they’re able to step outside the office, Dr. Bailey and Mrs. Bailey like to restore their mind, body, and spirit with visits to art galleries in Orange County or Los Angeles. Among their shared interests, a profound passion for music stands out. While Dr. Bailey enjoys melodies of the country genre, Mrs. Bailey is fond of the 80s era. Their musical inclination has led them to attend live music concerts together whenever possible. Beyond the realm of music, Dr. and Mrs. Bailey love spending time outdoors, especially on nature hikes with beautiful ocean views. 

Charity Involvement

Dr. Bailey has participated in 4 surgical missions with Mercy Ships, a Christian medical charity, and they have helped them with fundraisers locally. Mrs. Bailey is also a member of the prayer team at Mariners Church.

M Hugh Bailey MD FACS PC Inc.
Bailey Plastic Surgery & Aesthetics

351 Hospital Road, Suite 617, Newport Beach, CA, 92663

(949) 650-6710 |


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