Find Yourself at Soul Center OC

By: Andrea Fine

Soul Center OC is a Spiritual Center that is Interfaith/ trans-denominational (honoring the highest good of all religions) that welcomes people from all faiths and backgrounds. They celebrate the golden thread of all religions that God is Love, offering a sacred space for conscious living and spiritual growth. Soul Center OC holds weekly meditation and inspirational services on Sundays and offers classes, workshops, and community events. Soul Center’s programs and groups, including their Enlightened Kids Village, have proved to be a recipe for success in this thriving community. Everything they offer is designed to create an inclusive, nurturing space for individuals to explore and have a personal experience of what God means to them. God can mean many things or go by many different names to different people, and Soul Center honors that.

 In 2014, after many years attending Agape International Spiritual Center in Los Angeles, Newport Beach residents Jessica Susolik and Patricia Griffith opened Soul Center OC as an Agape affiliate. Their intention was to bring the teachings of Agape to Newport Beach. Agape International Spiritual Center in Los Angeles was started by Rev. Dr. Michael Beckwith in 1986 “ as a movement that would take a stand for love, peace, and being a beneficial presence on the planet.”  

 Spiritual Director, Rev. Keith Horwitz, says, “It is my belief that if you are living your heart’s desires feeling supported, loved, empowered and joyful, to fulfill your dreams, not only will your dreams be fulfilled, but within this lies the key to world peace. As each one of us embraces what truly and authentically fills our heart, then by the natural laws of a loving, harmonious, and efficient Universe, the simple byproduct is Universal peace. It is with a nurturing spiritual community and practice that we support our human evolution into the Divine idea of our lives. This is how one cultivates a sincere happy, and healthy life.”  

 “Soul Center is a welcoming, inspirational place to be. As a result, my life feels fuller, like nothing is missing from it. I have made connections with people, learned the power of prayer, and seen lives be transformed into beautiful creative expressions of their higher selves. Every Sunday, Reverend Keith delivers a beautiful, uplifting message. It is like being upfront and personal with a motivational speaker. And the music!!! Truly the best musicians and guest artists, and the songs have a divine message!! When I leave the service, I feel lighter, and truly loved.” Lynne Schanke 

 “Soul center OC is ALIVE ! The weekly message teaches me how to make these spiritual principles alive in my life. The music is outstanding and so full of life, and our community is full of enthusiasm for feeling spirit in our lives right here and right now .”Von Aaronson

 Visit for more information. 


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