Book Buzz - Get to Know Jill Gunderson

By: Jill Gunderson

Hey all! Here’s a little bit about the girl behind all the book reviews!

Hi! I’m Jill. I am a Canadian living in California (Newport Beach) with my husband, four kids, and labradoodle (Ryan, Jackson, Ava, Scarlett, Isla, and Bruce…respectively). When I’m not making beds, school lunches or chasing my dog down our street, I’m usually lost in an Audible while folding laundry and sipping wine. I can also be caught stealing my friends and family’s food at restaurants ‘just to taste.'

Fun Facts

I’m a former Dental Hygienist (I feel I’m too young to say retired!)

I have 4 kids (who all love to read!)
I drink WAY too much coffee (because of said kids)
I prefer white wine over red
I’m a PK #iykyk
I played college volleyball
I’ve been married to Ryan of The Gunderson Group for 13 years.
The Green Bay Packers are my favorite football team (But we are also Chargers season
ticket holders because of the hubby, so clearly Bolt Up!)
Unpopular opinion, but I’m not a chocolate fan…def prefer salty over sweet (EXCEPT
Cadbury cream eggs)
My FAV movies are ALL of the Pitch Perfect’s, Just Go With It, and Top Gun obvs.
My youth/high school/summer camp job was as a lifeguard and teaching swim lessons
Woodworking is my fav hobby (clearly second to reading)
I’m a firstborn
My first car was red Saturn stick shift
Saved By The Bell was my fav TV show in high school.
When I was 7-9, a lady from my church would ‘pay’ me in books as I memorized
I am working on publishing my first completed manuscript.


The Senator’s Wife – By Liv Constantine

I’m convinced that Liv Constantine can write no wrong, and this book is NO exception! My thoughts? You NEED to read this book. Add it to your TBR, order it, and do what it takes to get this book in your hands! The emotional roller coaster I felt while reading this was a ride! I felt joy, I felt vindicated, I felt anger, I felt sorrow, confusion, and I felt the triumphs of sweet revenge. This story encompasses everything that you’d expect from money and power-hungry wealthy politicians to use, abuse, and gaslight their way to getting to the top. A quick summary. Anyone is replaceable in the world of politics. Sloane and Whit are remarried after the unfortunate deaths of their spouses and are now on their way to White House dinners and philanthropic endeavors. But Sloane’s Lupus diagnosis and hip replacement call for a live-in aide who has a completely different agenda than simply caring for Sloane and her ailments. Sloane needs to get to the bottom of what this new aide (and her new husband) have in store for her future, and their own, before it’s too late. I love playing detective as I read books. I think I have the storyline figured out, but this one? HARD NO!! Because after a complete heartbreak, the truth came out, and I was blown away! The number of things I want to say, but can’t because I don’t want to spoil it for you is frustrating, so just please…all of you psychological/domestic thriller lovers...The Senator's Wife is definitely for you!!!

Happy reading, Neighbors!



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