Top 5 College Prep Musts

By: Stephanie Handley

Preparing a competitive college application starts long before senior year. Is your child ready?

Grades Are Key

Grades play the strongest role in admissions officers’ decisions. Transcripts should show mostly As, rigorous courses (honors, AP and IB), and a connection to your student’s intended major. Consider enrolling in online or college classes for subjects your school doesn’t offer, and start planning early.

Extracurriculars Require Strategy

Colleges love active students, but they prioritize depth over breadth. Your student should choose one or two activities to commit to and participate consistently throughout high school. Pursue leadership positions, start clubs, and go beyond your school campus, whether it’s to participate in community service or compete at the national level.

Tests Still Matter

SAT and ACT scores still play a significant role in college admission decisions, and an increasing number of private schools require test scores as part of their application process. Know which schools are test-blind, test-optional, and test-required, and start preparing for one or both tests freshman or sophomore year.

Show Your Passion

At the most competitive colleges, participation in school activities is not enough. Competitive applicants pursue experiences in the field they’d like to major in: summer programs, internships, research opportunities, entrepreneurship, or passion projects. Start having family discussions about academic strengths and interests early so your student can build a resume.

Write Stand-Out Essays

College essays are your student’s chance to show admissions officers the person behind all the grades and test scores. As students narrate and reflect on significant high school experiences, they show colleges who they are and what’s important to them, standing out from a sea of applications. More care and detail results in more effective essays.

Elite Prep's Newport Beach branch is located at Jamboree and the 73. We’re eager to meet you and your students this fall, whether you’re interested in Digital SAT classes, AP and Honors courses for credit, Elite College Consulting, ACT classes, Elite Premier Tutoring, LEAD Extracurriculars, or High School and Middle School Enrichment courses.| (949) 252-9124 |


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