The Glass Slipper Guild Celebrates 30 Years of Supporting CHOC at Annual Gala

By: Jessica Susolik

The Glass Slipper Guild, a dedicated group of approximately 60 women, recently celebrated their 30th anniversary gala at the Balboa Bay Resort in Newport Beach, California on May 11. More than 300 guests were in attendance to support the Thompson Autism and Neurodevelopmental Center at Children’s Hospital of Orange County (CHOC). As a result of generous supporters and community partners, the Glass Slipper Guild is pleased to have raised over $800,000, a record-breaking fundraising year for the guild.

 Carrie Robertson and Becky Hill, co-chairs of PR and Marketing for the Glass Slipper Guild, shared their experiences and insights about the organization.

"The Glass Slipper Guild raises money throughout the year for our pledge." explained Robertson. "Every few years we choose a new pledge. This year, we started working towards our $1 million pledge for the Thompson Autism and Neurodevelopmental Center."

 The Thompson Autism and Neurodevelopmental Center, also known as TANC, provides care for children anywhere on the autism spectrum and with related neurodevelopmental challenges.

"A lot of the care that they give is above and beyond what is reimbursed by insurance," said Robertson. "Most of every dollar we raise goes directly to patient care.”

 The Glass Slipper Guild's commitment to supporting CHOC is deeply personal for many of its members.

"Every year we have a meeting in October where the volunteers share their “why.” And every year we're in tears when we hear about these personal connections each family has with CHOC." Hill shared.

 For those interested in getting involved with the Glass Slipper Guild, there are various opportunities available.

"The best meeting for potential new members is the end-of-summer kick-off meeting," said Robertson. "It is a great time to talk about our pledge, reflect on the success of our gala, and welcome people that are interested in the cause and want to learn more."

This meeting is an ideal opportunity for new members to join and learn more about the organization's mission and upcoming events. The Glass Slipper Guild also hosts monthly meetings from September through May. 

 The Glass Slipper Guild's unwavering dedication to supporting CHOC and the children it serves is truly inspiring.

"It is a very validating organization to be a part of, and we're happy to give back to the community. It's definitely a great group of women for a great cause," as Robertson put it.

For more information about the Glass Slipper Guild and how to get involved, visit their website at or follow them on Instagram  @chocgsg and please feel free to email for more information.


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