Neurologics Provides a Path to Achieve Peak Performance

Everyone deserves an optimized brain 

A simple statement, and something that should literally be a “no-brainer” (pun intended), yet when it comes to the grey matter between our ears and behind our eyes, things become very complicated indeed. It all seems to be a mystery. We’re not sure why we might be fighting brain fog, or why we're unable to focus or have difficulty multitasking. We look for answers in our nutrition, in our sleep, examine our habits, ask our friends or spend hours scrolling, searching for solutions.

Neurologics has state-of-the-art solutions and is an innovative leader 

Brain mapping and brain training, which may be the most intriguing answers to top-of-mind issues such as ADHD, autism, brain injury, and possibly dementia, are offered by the innovative company located in Fashion Island. Providing hope to those who have cognitive issues, the Neurologics team wants everyone to know about the technology available to heal the brain electrically. Mending the root cause of so many challenges we experience in our daily lives can enhance life dramatically.

The brain map delivers a report of findings that provides tremendous insight into how your brain is working under tasks and predicts your genetic potential for where it should be performing. This data feeds the neuroengineering model to train the areas that need improvement until they are at the target performance ranges.

How do they do this?

A proprietary and non-invasive technique is used to collect data based on qEEG (quantitative ElectroEncephalogram). An algorithm-driven electrical model of the brain is produced based on more than 300 cognitive processes, related to our levels of intelligence, memory, or our response to stress.

Exact levels of cognitive function can be measured, as well as negative impact from factors such as physical or emotional trauma, substances, toxins, or simply aging. With that data, the brain can then be optimized through a process of neuroengineering; training the brain to create new neural pathways and improving its electrical efficiency, resulting in improved and permanent cognitive abilities. Neurologics consistently delivers 15-19 functional IQ points returned to clients who complete at least four months of mapping and optimization.   

With Neurologics Neuroengineering, you reach your targeted ranges of cognitive performance. On average, this process takes about 4-6 months. The equipment is portable and all of the services can be performed in the comfort of your home or at your office. The company is unique in that it is the only brain training program on the market that has demonstrated permanent cognitive repair.  Plus, who wouldn’t want to have their 20-year-old brain back? 

Inspired by a child, now inspired to help children and adults optimize their brains

Founder Karen O’Dell-Barber became a true believer when she performed this process on herself to heal her own brain injury. She has also used it to help all of her children. 

The “Ah Ha” moment that initially became The Balanced Brain Corporation in 2008 (an earlier version of Neurologics) was a chance encounter with a 4-year-old boy and his mom at a neuro training lab in Los Angeles. The boy’s mom shared that her son, Henry, had been diagnosed with severe autism. She explained that just a few months prior, he was completely non-verbal. 

According to O’Dell-Barber, the mother invited her to follow the boy into a lab, where the scientist applied sensors to his head. He then began to play a racing game. Later, O’Dell-Barber found out that within a year of treatment, Henry had become fully verbal. By the age of five, he was in mainstream kindergarten. By seven, he was selected for G.A.T.E. (the public school Gifted And Talented Education program). 

“I asked myself how this was possible? I needed to know more. That scientist in the lab, and soon-to-be colleague, armed me with a stack of medical literature describing his process and techniques,” she recalled.

“Henry’s story taught me we could do something I didn’t think was possible,” she said.

She then shared Henry’s story with her husband, James, a Western-trained physician. She handed off the stack of medical literature to him, and posed a challenge.

 “If you can tell me how this works, I will buy you Lakers tickets,” she said to her husband. “James is characteristically skeptical, but he bites, because…Lakers tickets!” 

After a meeting with the scientist, he offered the following explanation: of the millions of things the brain can do, this scientist determined that, if 293 brain functions occur synchronously, the person’s brain is allowed to function in an optimal way.

“He looks at the brain through the lens of electrical engineering principles. He’s broken it down to 293 equations and solved each equation. It was then I knew I had to partner with him and bring this technology to the world,” Karen said.

Community connection

Neurologics’ flagship assessment center is now open in Newport Beach. The team is thrilled to have more of a physical presence in the city, as founder Karen O’Dell-Barber has long been highly active in the area. Neurologics is happy to be sponsoring several local sports organizations and is looking forward to becoming more involved in giving back to the community they love so much. 

Listen to the Tackling Brain Health Podcast, which is now playing on YouTube, Spotify, and Apple Music. 

Tackling Brain Health explores the cutting-edge realm of brain imaging and optimization. From personal journeys to expert insights, each episode delves into the transformative power of neuroscience, sharing real stories of triumph over mental health challenges and unlocking the full potential of the human mind. | IG  @Neurologics


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