Meet Founder Gina Maier Vincent of Exquisitely Aligned

By: Julie Means

Gina Maier Vincent is the Founder of Exquisitely Aligned, and a revered visionary Empowerment Entrepreneur. She is a global thought leader, inspirational speaker and author. A true New Yorker in her drive, captivating energy and vivacious love for people, Vincent was born and raised on Long Island but now calls Southern California home. She is a real self-starter who illuminates what others cannot see and inspires change. Her life has been a journey that prepared her to help others design the future they desire and deserve. Today she guides people on how to live exquisitely aligned.

In 2003, Vincent discovered her passion for helping others by teaching yoga and fostering life-changing mindset shifts. In 2017, she launched Blissed-Out, Fit, and Feisty, LLC, offering holistic services for body, mind, and soul. Under this umbrella, she created Exquisitely Aligned, a 3-step system providing a personalized soul-shifting concierge experience. This service empowers high achievers to align their time, money and energy with their true purpose.

Vincent’s entrepreneurial endeavors have attracted a global audience through her Exquisitely Aligned Podcast and Exquisitely Aligned Show on E&A TV. Her compelling insights have made her a dynamic speaker in high demand.

Transformative Concierge Services

Exquisitely Aligned offers a personalized, soul-shifting concierge experience that aligns high achievers' time, money and energy with their true purpose. In a six-month one-on-one setting, Vincent helps clients define and design the future they seek, focusing on identifying issues and achieving massive transformation. She also offers her speaking engagements at no cost to local communities, giving back despite usually charging for appearances.

However, the true distinction lies in the energy, empathy and genuine care that Vincent brings to every one-on-one interaction.  She is dedicated to her clients' success and makes herself available to them 24/7, a level of accessibility and support that is virtually unheard of in this industry. This unwavering commitment ensures that each client receives the guidance and encouragement they need to design and live their most exquisite life.


“My biggest inspiration for starting Exquisitely Aligned was our family's journey through a challenging health crisis. When my husband, Mark, fell seriously ill in 2009, I had to navigate the complexities of the healthcare system to secure his life-saving double-organ transplant. This experience of overcoming adversity with determination and empathy became the foundation for my work. I wanted to ensure that no one ever feels alone or overwhelmed as I once did. Through Exquisitely Aligned, I help others realize their dreams and take a stand for their most magnificent future, just as I did for my family.”

In October, Vincent and her husband, Mark will celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary. In November, Mark will celebrate the 15th anniversary of his life-saving surgery with much gratitude to his donor.

Success Story

“A client of mine used to say, ‘Someday, someday, someday.’ Newly separated, she knew she wanted more out of life but didn’t know what her ‘more’ was. We did a deep dive to define her ‘more.’ With her ‘more’ defined, it was easy for her to be intentional about her time, energy and money. The result... an 11% net increase in her dental practice, with a plan to increase by another 18% next year. She and her children are traveling, and she has more time for things that matter most to her. I am grateful for the work I do,” states Vincent.

Message to the Community 

“Today, millions of high achievers ask themselves, 'Is this really all there is in life?' Despite ‘having it all,’ a crucial piece feels missing. They silence their true desires out of fear of judgment. Without acknowledging these desires, they risk growing unhappy, dissatisfied, and frustrated." Vincent explains. "We are not here merely to survive and have our basic needs met. We are here to thrive, be in awe of life and live authentically.”

Master motivator Vincent offers the following suggestions to find your “more.”

  • Reevaluate how to align and manage the divine resources: time, money and energy. Most people suffer from an imbalance in at least one area. 

  • Define your "more." Align your time, money and energy with this truth to invite your most magnificent future to fruition.

  • Design the future you deserve. Be courageous and let your mind drift to a place where you can start giving yourself permission to think (even) bigger.

Future Project

Vincent’s upcoming book, Exquisitely Aligned: A Pocket Guide to Your Most Magnificent Future, was created to inspire and will be released in early spring 2025. It promises to motivate readers to take action toward living an exquisitely aligned life. 

Personal Life
Since moving from Charlotte, NC, in 2020 to their dream home in Coto de Caza, the family has settled into the OC lifestyle; they enjoy paddleboarding around Newport Harbor, spending the day at the beach and visiting new sites and restaurants. They always welcome meeting new people, so if you come across the Vincent family during their adventures, don't hesitate to say hello!

In her spare time, Vincent actively engages with her community by volunteering for Miracles for Kids, a non-profit that helps families with critically ill children, and her 360 Miracle giving circle. A devoted wife and mother, she celebrates significant milestones such as the natural birth of her son and the international adoption of her daughter. Discovering her uniqueness and value at a young age and becoming a health advocate during her husband's illness, she now helps others make profound transformations.

Local Shout Outs 

Scott Fontana, co-owner of the Christophe Salon and Marque Urgent Care.


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