CIF Cross Country Champion Max Douglass

By: Julie Means

CIF Cross Country Champion Max Douglass made history as the first Corona del Mar High School male runner to win his division and qualify for the Foot Locker XC Nationals. His 18th place finish in 15:52.6 - 5:17 per mile on the 3 mile course in San Diego’s Balboa Park - put him in the top 20 nationwide. Recruited by top universities across the country, the high school senior achieved a 4.3 weighted GPA and will run Cross Country and Track Team at the University of Notre Dame this fall.

Max’s road to the top included winning the CIF Southern Section Division 4 Cross Country Individual Championship in 15:02, placing third at the State Meet in Fresno with a blistering time of 14:58 (4:48 per mile), heading back to Mt. Sac for the Regional Qualifier, then to Nationals in San Diego.

β€œI wonder - how far can I take my body and use the gift God gave me?” Max says. β€œI just love running. On race day, I’m happy because I love pushing myself.”

Max smiles and takes it all in stride. At 18, he is wise beyond his years. A bright light who reminds us to have faith - in God, in ourselves and in the people who help make us better - family, friends, teachers, teammates and his coach. β€œWhen I won the CIF Championship, it was the most rewarding and euphoric experience. Running at Nationals was the icing on the cake, especially since it was on the West Coast and I got to be there with my family. Going in, I had a firm belief in myself that I could be in the top 20,” he said.

Football was initially his favorite sport. β€œHe was football, football, football,” said his mom, Marie Douglass. His dad, Cameron Douglass, ran on the CdMHS track team and Max’s brother, James, ran for UCSB, but Max had no interest in the sport. He also has a sister, Beatrice. 

After playing football at CdM as a sophomore, Max joined the track team to improve his speed to play wide receiver. After going to the CIF Prelims in the 800 meter run, β€œa passion for running came out of nowhere. It was a complete change of pathways!” Max explained. β€œI wanted to play football in college, then the NFL. I never gave up on that dream until I realized I had a future in running. I wanted to be a Division 1 athlete,” he shared. And now he will be - in running.

After track season, Max ran the Corona del Mar 5k just for fun - and won! β€œThat feeling of winning gave me a deep belief in myself. I realized I could train at this and win at the highest level,” he said. He ran cross country junior year, placing eighth at the state meet,

Max committed to give 100% to running. β€œI had one path from August to the present day. I started to run my workouts at 100%, but I thought - are you doing everything else at 100%?” he explained, as injuries challenged him. β€œWhen I returned to running, I was just so grateful. It’s a blessing from God to do this sport.” 

Legendary Coach Bill Sumner, CdM’s cross country and track coach for 41 years, said Max’s attitude is key. β€œHe thinks running is just a joy. It’s not work. Plus, he asks how he can be at 100%. He’s figured out that there’s more.”  More meant doing his high school workout, then two more hours of β€œMax Time,” including weight lifting and cardio equipment. Reading - especially Stephen King - became a nightly habit. He prioritized good sleep habits, hydrating and nutrition. Before each race, he prays. β€œI like to clear my mind and be at peace,” he said. To unwind, he plays poker with friends or hangs out with Gidget, the family’s Cavalier King Charles spaniel. 

Coach Sumner’s advice was key.  β€œThe best thing about him was that every time I had a goal, he was so behind it. He believes in me,” Max shared. β€œThat had a tremendous effect.”

Max’s teammates joined him at state, where the team placed ninth. β€œThey were great because everyone was lifting each other up at the end of the season,”  he said of  Kevin Steinman, Logan Walsh, Aidan Algazi, Nico Harris, Alvaro Prieto and Miles Ward. ”They knew they just had to do their part, then they came together as one group. It’s the best,” said Coach.

Currently preparing for track season, Max has his sights set on working to break a few more records. We wish you the best Max and look forward to your success!


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