Chalk Talk
By: Brigid Cianfrani and Carol Crane
The Newport-Mesa Unified School District (NMUSD) Board of Education appointed Kirstin Walsh as the Area 5 Trustee in accordance with the California Education Code. The board is excited to welcome her and is grateful for her passion, expertise, and dedication.
A Newport Beach resident for more than 20 years, Kirstin Walsh, has students who have thrived at Newport Elementary, Ensign Intermediate, and now Newport Harbor High School. As a dedicated volunteer for more than 13 years, her extensive leadership in school foundations and PTAs—including her current roles as Newport Harbor High School PTA President and Harbor Council PTA Historian, will bring a depth of experience to her new position. Committed to supporting student-athletes and cultivating a strong school community, she is a devoted booster member for Newport Harbor High School Water Polo.
The CDM PTA purchased and installed upgraded bike racks. The new racks more effectively accommodate e-bikes, bikes, and scooters and allow for almost 200 bikes! They also purchased a bike repair station equipped with an air pump and a set of tools for basic maintenance. The PTA is “...pleased to be a part of promoting active transportation and environmental consciousness within our school community. We hope these new racks will inspire students to ride their bikes to school safely!”
Local elementary schools are teeming with activity. Harbor View Elementary collected a heartfelt letter from every student, then sent them, along with candy and other supplies, in 25 boxes to troops stationed in Somalia and Iraq. What an inspiring effort!
Following the tragic fires in LA County, Lincoln Elementary families participated in a drive to collect clothing and supplies for dislodged fire victims. They also hosted a parent night with clinical psychologist Dr. Jerry Weichman, who presented a session on “How Screen Time is Changing the Way Children Think and Focus,” based on Dr. Freed's book The Wired Child.
Eastbluff Elementary families commemorated Martin Luther King Day by volunteering at the Orange County Food bank, assembling and packing meals for needy seniors across the county. More than 125 adult and student volunteers participated.
Newport Coast Elementary is excited to participate in the Class Act Music Program with the Pacific Symphony. They’ll work with a professional musician and learn during classroom lessons, assemblies and go on a special field trip to a symphony performance.
Andersen Elementary 6th graders created a holiday boutique full of entrepreneurial efforts to create and sell a variety of crafts and products. It was a special and inspirational day for the whole Port Streets community.
We wish you all a safe and happy spring!
Brigid Cianfrani and Carol Crane are longtime volunteers in the Newport Mesa Unified School District, former PTA presidents at the elementary and high school levels and former Zone Pack chairs. Carol Crane currently serves as a member on the Newport Mesa Unified School District (NMUSD) board, Trustee Area 3: Brigid Cianfrani works as a substitute teacher in the district and is the current chair of the CdM Zone Pack Committee.
For more info: | IG @ newportmesausd
Email: Carol Crane: | Brigid Cianfrani: