Surviving Holiday Travel

By: Sandy Parten

Last year was the first year I've ever had Christmas away from home, and my younger son and I flew to visit my older son in Ohio. It was a great trip, but I prefer staying home with my local friends and family during the holidays. Unfortunately, if my boys and I are going to get together, my sons must fight during the busiest flying season of the year. So it got me thinking that many people have similar situations, so why not put together some "tips" if you or a loved one must travel during the "season of crazies"? Here are a few tips to help you and your loved ones retain some sanity during holiday travel.

 Plan Ahead and Do Your Research!

Make your reservations well in advance and pick your flights carefully. If you have to connect, try to pick a connecting airport where the weather might cooperate a little better. In December, ALWAYS choose a connection in Dallas or Atlanta over Chicago or Minneapolis! Trust me. And, be sure to make your seat assignments at the same time you buy your ticket if the airline's policy allows it. In my opinion, this is a time when spending a little bit extra to have pre-assigned seating is worth the investment.

 Pack Light, Pack Light, Pack Light!

 Packing light is always a good idea, but it becomes even more important over the holidays. The less you worry about schlepping your luggage through the crowded airports, the better. Plus, you can save huge amounts of time, money, and stress by fitting your things into an easy-to-maneuver carry-on bag. If you end up checking your luggage, keep the essentials like medications, important documents, and even a change of clothes with you - just in case!

 Don't get "Hangry" 

When your tummy is growling, your mind can't think straight, and you could unknowingly get in the wrong line, take a wrong turn, or annoy an innocent, harried flight attendant! Pack some healthy snacks so you and your family will not have to rely on the kindness of strangers if you end up sitting on the tarmac for hours. This could happen.

 Ship Gifts Ahead or Bring Them Unwrapped

TSA suggests always shipping unwrapped gifts to your destination or waiting to wrap them until you reach your destination. TSA will have to unwrap and inspect any gift they can't identify in your carry-on luggage. Plus, you don't want to struggle through the airport with a heavy suitcase, especially if you are forced to run to make a tight connection. Often it's just better to ship presents, but be sure to plan ahead and ship early!

 Plan Ahead and Leave Plenty of Extra Time 

Leave home for the airport at least an extra hour ahead of time to allow for traffic, parking, check-in, and security delays. And, when booking your flights, try to avoid really tight connections. If you only have 45 minutes between flights at the Atlanta airport, you could be in big trouble if your first flight is delayed even a little. Finding a nice bar or coffee shop in the airport is much less stressful to kill some extra time. I am a big fan of the airlines' lounges and have a credit card offering free entry.

 Inhale and Exhale!

Remember, it's all about the experience; the chatty neighbor on the airplane who takes up your armrest, the canceled and delayed flights, and the luggage that disappeared between airports all make for great stories over dinner when you finally make it to your destination and are surrounded by your loved ones. So breathe, keep your sense of humor, and let the frustration go. Holiday travel is just as much a tradition to many as pumpkin pie, ugly Christmas sweaters, and re-gifting, so use these tips to avoid your own Frosty the Snowman-sized meltdown! 

 Deep breaths and Happy Holidays, everyone!


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