Evelyne's Finds

By: Evelyne Marks

Hello friends,

 From Easter to Stress Awareness month, April is full of reasons to celebrate and even take some much-needed self-inventory. The truth is, there's never a wrong time to focus on our health or perhaps what's hindering our health, so this month I'd like to focus on sharing the tools I've learned to decompress and manage my stress.

 Let's Get Personal

I think now is the perfect time to share a little more of my story with you. It's scary to be transparent and vulnerable, but it can also lead to some of the most memorable connections. Now I may appear to live a luxurious lifestyle without any worry or struggle, but the truth is, I've struggled with anxiety for many years. I have learned to manage and overcome it in recent years, but sudden grief can always trigger and unearth my fears. If you have ever dealt with anxiety and stress like the majority of our culture, I hope that you'll be encouraged by some of the ways I've dealt with it.

 Address your Stress

First of all, seek out counseling or therapy with a neutral person you can trust. This may seem like a no-brainer and is much more acceptable in today's society than when I was growing up, but it's a crucial way to deal with hidden stressors. If therapy sounds too daunting, start with holistic nutrition and focus on how you're treating your body, what you're consuming, and how you can take control of your health in that regard.

 Get those Zzz's

This may seem obvious, but make sure you try to get enough sleep. Adults need 7-8 hours of sleep per night, so don't skimp out and just depend on coffee or energy drinks. While you're sleeping, I've also discovered a beauty secret from one of my favorite brands, IT Cosmetics. Developed by plastic surgeons and dermatologists, the "Go to Bed with It" beauty routine was created to target your "skinsecurities" in your sleep! I've found new confidence and a feeling of calm ever since I've been using this trio before bed. You can find all the details on my blog when you search "IT Cosmetics."

 Self Awareness is Key

Beyond these basic suggestions, you really are the best compass in determining the roadmap of your stressors. I hope you’ll utilize this month to practice intention and observe the things that are causing you anxiety. Is it driving on the freeway? Resolve to taking side streets or reducing your social gathering events for the month. Are you busy working in an office, without ever seeing the sun? Try to get outside and walk while absorbing some much-needed spring sunshine. Whether physical, mental, or emotional, I hope you take the time to notice where your stress is originating and then make a choice to confront it. Even if you just start in small ways.

P.S. to further your relaxation, I absolutely love these cute and incredibly comfortable pajamas from Soma.

 Thank you as always for reading, and I hope to connect with you on Instagram at @everythingevelyne or, you can email me at everythingevelyne@gmail.com. Discover more fashion, beauty and lifestyle hacks by visiting my website at EverythingEvelyne.com. Cheers to April and stressing less!

With love,
Everything Evelyne

Evelyne’s Contact:

Instagram at @everythingevelyne

Email me at everythingevelyne@gmail.com

Visit my website at EverythingEvelyne.com



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