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By: Bethany Myers

Scent is one of the most unique forms of our five senses. We can be immediately transported to a time or place from memory triggered by a smell, but what if a scent could do even more? That’s the very question founder Amanda Meyer sought to answer when she created her business, Elia Parfum. Founded in 2020 with a belief that anything is possible when you follow your heart, Amanda is fueled by a desire to help others, save lives, and give back to society on a greater scale. Which explains why Elia Parfum is so much more than just a perfume company. 

 History of Elia Parfum

Ever since she can remember, Amanda has always had a very acute sense of smell. With a background in the fashion industry, she’s had the privilege of indulging in some of the best notes the fragrance world has to offer. Soaking up her time surrounded by designers, she quickly learned how certain scents are complemented by others, and how each person’s skin has a unique response to the same scent. After an aha moment in her career, she decided to take a leap of faith toward a long-time dream. Her entrepreneurial and justice-seeking spirit led her to the creation of Elia Parfum - a company that focuses on leaving a legacy beyond just simply beautiful scents. 

“I hope in many ways this company can grow and support more organizations and women who are suffering. I feel honored how many people have joined me in this journey to create spectacular fragrances and products that strive to empower women and help others on a greater scale.”

Elia Parfum proudly supports A21, an organization that aids in the rescue and revitalization of victims involved in slavery and abuse. In addition, Amanda donates 10% of all sales from Elia Parfum to help these women survive and get back on their feet. 

The base notes of the proprietary perfume blend with a person’s natural pheromones, so each person’s skin will inevitably have a different, unique scent. In wearing Elia Parfum, Amanda wants women to embrace their inner confidence, exude an alluring fragrance, and know they’re making a difference with each purchase, knowing it’s connected to a very important cause. 

You can purchase Elia Parfrum by visiting:  |

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