Alzheimer’s Orange County: Your local resource for all stages of memory loss

By: Amanda Huntsman

The State of Alzheimer’s in Orange County

Alzheimer’s disease–the most common form of dementia– is an irreversible, progressive brain disorder that slowly impairs memory, cognitive skills, and eventually the ability to carry out
even the simplest tasks. Science still hasn’t given a definitive answer to what causes it, but it is believed that multiple factors may contribute to the risk of developing the disease.
One thing is clear. Alzheimer’s is creating an urgent need. Today 84,000 people in Orange County are living with Alzheimer’s, and many of the thousands that care for them do so alone or
lack the proper support. The impact of the disease is projected to grow even more. According to estimates, the number of people living with Alzheimer’s in California’s most populous
counties–including Orange County– will at least double between 2019 and 2040. Behind those numbers are thousands of real people and real families dealing with healthcare,
social, emotional, and financial challenges. After all, Alzheimer’s, dementia, and memory loss impact the entire family, not just the person who has it. Until there is a cure, Alzheimer’s Orange
County (AlzOC) provides hope.

Making a difference for 40 years

In 1982 a small group of women that knew firsthand the challenges of dementia saw a need and sought to fill it. Unified by their shared experiences of caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s
and a common goal to bring relief and support to others like them, they founded the nonprofit that would become AlzOC. AlzOC is an experienced partner who walks hand in hand with Orange County residents to help them navigate the journey of memory loss. Our Helpline connects our community to trained experts to get personal guidance and assistance suited to each person’s needs. Our support groups bring people together to connect, share and find solutions. We offer free classes that empower and provide support for caregivers and others from the early stages all the way through bereavement. Additionally, we have two-day centers that can help maintain your loved one’s independence in a safe, enriching environment. These, along with many other services, have transformed AlzOC into a multifaceted, independent nonprofit that supports over 30,000 people annually.

Reducing Your Risk

Anyone can work on reducing their risk of cognitive decline. Making sure you’re getting enough quality sleep, maintaining a healthy diet, and staying physically and socially active are just a
few but important ways to keep your mind fit and follow a healthy-brain lifestyle regardless of your age.

Action is Crucial

Our life-changing services go beyond just Alzheimer’s. Our expertise and services support those affected by Alzheimer’s and other related dementias, promote brain health for all, and are
aimed at cultivating healthy aging. Remember, you are not alone. The earlier you seek support, the sooner we can help lessen the burden your journey may bring.

If you have a question, or concern, or would simply like to learn more, call 844-373-4400 to speak to a caring expert or visit


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