Unveiling the Spotlight: A Journey in Musical Theatre with Brooklyn Hamilton

By: Kym Whitney

In the bustling world of entertainment, where stars are born and talents shine bright, a young and exceptionally gifted individual has been making waves at Corona del Mar High School. Meet Brooklyn Hamilton, an 11th grader with a passion for acting, singing, and dancing, particularly in the realm of musical theatre. Her journey into the world of performing arts is nothing short of inspiring.

A Multifaceted Talent

Brooklyn is not just a performer; she's a triple threat. From the age of three, she started dancing, and by seven, she was already taking vocal lessons. It was a stroke of luck that her dance studio offered vocal training, allowing her to nurture both her love for dance and her budding vocal talents simultaneously. Her dedication to honing these skills has been unwavering since day one.

Many artists draw inspiration from their idols or remarkable experiences, and Brooklyn is no exception. She vividly recalls the moment her passion for the performing arts was ignited. At just six years old, she watched a mesmerizing production of "Wicked" on Broadway. The magic of seeing performers pour their hearts into their craft left an indelible mark on her young mind. From that day forward, she knew that she wanted to be a part of something as incredible as that. For Brooklyn, the thrill of performing is unmatched. There's something magical about being on stage and hearing the audience's reactions. It's a feeling she cherishes, and it's the driving force behind her pursuit of a career in theatre.

Brooklyn's talent hasn't gone unnoticed. Her involvement in the "Merry Murderess Ensemble" during the CdM Spring Production of "Chicago" earned her ensemble the prestigious Best Ensemble and Best Song awards at the Orange County Cappies Awards. Moreover, her role as the lead, Grace Fryer, in the CdM Fall Production of "Radium Girls" earned her the “Adjudicators Choice Award” and the production earned a commendable third place at CETA (California Education Theatre Association).

Brooklyn looks up to incredible talents like Margot Robbie for her versatility and Hugh Jackman for his remarkable transition between acting and Broadway. These role models inspire her to push the boundaries of her own abilities. She has her sights set high. Her dream is to attend college and continue her journey in the world of theatre, with aspirations of one day gracing the silver screen or stepping onto the iconic Broadway stage. 

Behind the Scenes

Outside of her remarkable achievements in the performing arts, Brooklyn is a part of the CdM High School Madrigal Singers and actively contributes to the ASB Visual and Performing Arts Committee, demonstrating her commitment to both her craft and her school community.

Brooklyn resides in Eastbluff with her family, including her brother, a CDM graduate, and her furry companion, Britney. Having moved to Newport Beach during preschool, she has found a home in the community, creating lasting memories and friendships. In her free time, Brooklyn enjoys the simple pleasures of life—whether it's a day at the beach, getting lost in the pages of a book, hanging out with friends, or enjoying a movie night. It's in these moments of relaxation that she recharges her creative spirit.

A Grateful Heart

Brooklyn's journey is a testament to the power of passion and dedication. She acknowledges that the path she's chosen isn't easy, but it's her love for what she does that fuels her determination. She expresses deep gratitude to her teachers at CdM for their guidance and the opportunities that have shaped her journey.

In the bustling world of high school and aspiring dreams, Brooklyn Hamilton stands as a testament to the power of passion, dedication, and the transformative magic of the stage. As she continues to captivate audiences and pursue her dreams, the spotlight will undoubtedly shine even brighter on this rising star of the musical theatre world. Watch out for her name, as it's destined to shine on the marquee of success.


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